Uniquely Imaged Studio Ceramics

Naples, NY the "Grape Pie Capitol of the World"

  We love to join a celebration, especially one close to home.

Intricate Image Detail

The detail and texture are unique to Gravenware products.

"Baked in the Finger Lakes"

Hand crafted in the Finger Lakes, each pot has the typical small variations of studio production.

the pie plate project

A nice plate thrown by Alysha Baier.  A great image (from an old grape crate label) celebrating the Finger Lakes history of table grape production, and the present day "grape pie", for which this region is famous.  Also celebrating the strong Mennonite presence in the Finger Lakes Region. Alas, too expensive to do well, these plates are no longer produced.

Fraktur Theme

Celebrating the fascinating Germanic heritage which originated in Eastern Pennsylvania.


Simple but Elegant

 Fraktur folk art is naïve and unpretentious. These simple themes demonstrate pleasing composition and a good eye for the use of space.

Functional Tableware

These stoneware plates are oven and dishwasher safe, lead free and really look good holding a pie. Be careful of extreme temperature changes.