Innovative imaging for ceramics


About Gravenware:

GRAVENWARE is a small company in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State. We are developing a patent protected imaging process for ceramic parts and thrown pottery. 

Our products are crafted inthe Finger Lakes.  We draw on the wealth of artistic talent and studio expertise in the region.

We enjoy a celebration. We enjoy celebrating the breath taking beauty of the Finger Lakes, its pristine nature and the fragile economy which keeps us alive.

We enjoy celebrating the diverse cultural heritage of our region.

We enjoy celebrating the people, institutions and events which build this vibrant community.

Who we are:

The principle is Geoffrey Gretton. Geoff has enjoyed a longstanding interest in pottery and claims a modicum of expertise. A professional interest in imaging systems led to an idea for imaging ceramics. This venture is to exercise that idea. 

Alysha Baier is our consulting artisan. Alysha is the principle of Honeoye Pottery in Honeoye, N.Y. Alysha has developed a distinctive personal style and is busy building a name for herself in the region. She has considerable production experience and boundless curiosity and energy.